RockChickSims.Com (For folk who still play Sims 2).These work with Ambitions and increase skilling speed for teaching todders potty, walking, talking by ten. My old toddler skilling mods (they work with Ambitions).LongTermPregnancy10days AMB (with big puddle waterbreak).Give Birth Now (Labour inducer mod AMB).Creator of some of the best clothes for Sims 3.Clothing menu mod (Getnaked) working AMB.Abortion Clinic Mod (working with Ambitions).The Sordid filthy ugly truth about Stuart Stanfield (allegedly a convicted paedophile) owner of ModTheSims2.The Missing Mods (Get Naked/Preg Control).SuperScripts mod (which includes Miscarriage Mod).Sims 4 Teen Woohoo/Pregnancy and Marriage Inteen.Sims 4 Polygamy/Multiple marriages + Inteen.Sims 4 Inteen (teen pregnancy/marriage and up).Polygamy (scripted version) Registry Office mod.INTEEN for SIMS 4 – teen pregnancy and marriage etc.Inteen 4 sims 4 Taboo version – Simsual Simcest.Hospital Mod (note: not the same as ripped off version).Haters campaign to have sims 3 mods removed from mediafire!.Instructions on installation (very important): Teen Pregnancy and Marriage (no adult/teen etc relations) Teen Pregnancy (on its own without adult stuff or marriage) Inteen 4 Sims 4 Taboo + Polygamy (above with multiple marriage) V3

Inteen 4 Sims 4 Taboo V3 (Simcest allows relations to marry/impregnate relations etc.) Inteen 4 Sims 4 + P0lygamy (above + multiple marriage) V9 Inteen 4 Sims 4 – v9 (Teen marriage/pregnancy and adult/teen/YA/elder romance/pregnancy/marriage etc) So here’s the updates with the new menu system, both adults and teens, any posture. They are both essentially the same thing (don’t ask me, ask EA) but I know lots of people wanted to see the old style menu for their teen sims. But I fixed the menu system so that you can have the woohoo option show up as well as the silly mess around option. Blame EA for their sucky Mess Around silliness. Lots of players were complaining about teens not having woohoo as an option. Sims 4 Teen Woohoo/Pregnancy and Marriage Inteen